“How do I know if I have sleep apnea?”
Answer these 10 questions if you answer mostly yes you may have sleep apnea.
• I have been told that I snore
• I have been told that I stop breathing when I sleep
• I am sleepy during the day
• I have high blood pressure
• I have been told that I sleep restlessly
• I frequently awaken with a headache
• Others have noted a change in my personality
• The diameter of my neck is 17 inches or larger
• I am likely to sleep or doze while sitting and talking to someone
• I feel a burning, tingling or crawling sensation in my legs when I wake up
“How serious is sleep apnea?”
Sleep apnea is very serious. We believe that offering sleep apnea screenings and subsequent sleep apnea treatment is one of the most important services we provide at our office. Studies show that not treating sleep apnea can rob you of, on average, about 5 years of your life.
“Can sleep apnea be cured?”
No but it can be managed with a CPAP machine or an oral appliance.
“I snore, do I have sleep apnea?”
Not necessarily, but studies show that 20 to 40 percent of people who snore also have sleep apnea.
“What’s the best way to treat sleep apnea? “
Sleep apnea treatment depends on the level of apnea. But, for most mild to moderate cases, oral appliance therapy is effective. If you sleep apnea is central or severe, you may need a CPAP.