What’s the Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease?
Did you know that diabetes and gum disease are linked? It’s true! People with diabetes have a greater risk for developing gum disease, and we are here to help. November is National Diabetes Month and we are shining a light on the link as well as the measures you can take to keep your smile as healthy as possible!
How Are Diabetes and Gum Disease Linked?
Diabetes, a disease that occurs when your blood sugar is too high, can increase the amount of glucose in your saliva, which can lead to increased bacteria and plaque. If this isn’t properly managed and treated, then it could lead to gum disease, which is an infection in the gums. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can destroy the bones that hold your teeth in place. Additionally, untreated gum disease can cause blood sugar to rise, making it harder to control diabetes and maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
If you’re not sure if you’re suffering from gum disease, here are the five most common symptoms:
-Red, swollen, sore gums that bleed when brushing and flossing
-Receding gums
-Loose teeth that feel like they’re separating or shifting
-Bad breath that persists despite brushing and rinsing
-A change in your bite or teeth alignment, or dentures that no longer fit
One of the best ways to defend yourself is manage your diabetes as best you can, and also partner with your dental team and schedule regular cleaning and exam appointments to take advantage of as many preventative measures as possible.
What Can You Do?
It’s important to notice and discuss any changes to your teeth and gums with your dental team so they can help to properly diagnose and treat your condition, with a goal to help you keep your teeth for a lifetime. We pride ourselves on providing our family of patients not only with a highly dedicated and expertly trained team of general and specialty dentists and hygienists, but also all of the necessary, proper and newest screening tools in place. We offer more than standard cleanings, and take the time to provide perio charting to measure recession, as well as take digital images and wellness scans to track changes over time.
Beat Diabetes and Gum Disease with Spodak Dental
The Spodak Dental Group team is here to help not only take care of your smile, but also help you take care of your body as a whole! If you feel that you might be at higher risk for developing gum disease, or that you might be showing signs now, we’d love to help! Just email us or text/call (561) 303-2413 to request an appointment!